Supporting My Community with Tomato Art
Art Judith Hill Art Judith Hill

Supporting My Community with Tomato Art

The 15th Annual East Nashville Tomato Art Festival is August 10th & 11th. Whoop!
For those of you wondering what the heck is the Tomato Art Festival, it is a festival located at East Nashville's 5 Points celebrating the Tomato. And when I say celebrate, I mean CELEBRATE! There's a parade, a costume contest, a bloody mary contest,  an art show and contest, a 5K run, an Artist fair, multiple stages of live music, and any other way imaginable to celebrate the tomato. Why the tomato?

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What to wear on your Photoshoot
Wardrobe, Portraits, Personal Branding Judith Hill Wardrobe, Portraits, Personal Branding Judith Hill

What to wear on your Photoshoot

So, what do I wear for my photoshoot?

I get this question all the time. This is one of the reasons that I do wardrobe consultations before the shoot, and people find it so helpful because generally speaking, they aren’t sure where to start. Also, I want to eliminate as much stress as possible so that you feel confident in what you are wearing for your shoot.

“To me, clothing is a form of self-expression - there are hints about who you are in what you wear.” -Marc Jacobs

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50 and Fabulous Photoshoot
Portraits, Personal Branding, Inspiration Judith Hill Portraits, Personal Branding, Inspiration Judith Hill

50 and Fabulous Photoshoot

As women, we are always so hard on ourselves so I like to try and turn that conversation around by changing the perspective with photographs and sometimes questions.

There are many reasons to have a photoshoot. One of those is reaching a milestone in life like turning 50. I am not 50 but I've always had close friends quite a bit older than me. One of the reasons is because I've always strived to be wise beyond my years, and I want to learn from them.

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Creating Freedom in Your Daily Life
Inspiration, Art Judith Hill Inspiration, Art Judith Hill

Creating Freedom in Your Daily Life

This image is about freedom. Something that I seek; something most of us seek. What I have learned is that freedom only comes when we have freedom within our mind and detach from outcomes. It comes when we stop resisting what is and find acceptance. It comes when we stop the chatter, cultivate faith, let go of fear, and trust ourselves. 

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