Why Mom Needs to Exist in Photographs
A long time ago, I changed how I did family photos and I made it about the moms. Mom comes in to get hair and makeup, to take time for her to be seen and heard and then the family comes at the end. I did this because I often heard “not me, just the kids” or “I’m always taking the pictures” or “I need to lose weight.”
I cannot say this enough, photography is evidence you exist in this world. It represents your legacy.
Here are 5 Reasons why Mom needs to Exist in Photographs:
Four Generations
Capturing FOUR generations of women is something very special.
I always say that photography is evidence we exist in this world. Photos help us reminisce and form a concept of an individual by looking back to the photos and sharing it with the new generations. It also gives a representation of the memories from that day.